Being the Parent

Being the Parent

2x Install/Registration rate by optimizing onboarding flow

2x Install/Registration rate by optimizing onboarding flow


End-to-end UX Design process


1 Months, 2023


Being the Parent


Get it on Playstore (100K+ downloads since our launch):

Being The Parent app is tailored to the needs of young mothers in urban areas, providing a supportive community and valuable resources throughout their pregnancy and parenting journey.


Get it on Playstore (100K+ downloads since our launch):

Being The Parent app is tailored to the needs of young mothers in urban areas, providing a supportive community and valuable resources throughout their pregnancy and parenting journey.


😓 many users who installed the app did not complete the registration process.

We found out that users were leaving the app during the 3rd section of the very long onboarding process. We had to fix this.


😓 many users who installed the app did not complete the registration process.

We found out that users were leaving the app during the 3rd section of the very long onboarding process. We had to fix this.


I slashed the onboarding process by 72% by reducing the data users had to enter to access the app features while maintaining the personalized experience it offered.

  1. Streamlined Onboarding: The onboarding process was significantly shortened, reducing user cognitive load and minimizing the number of initial required fields.

  2. Intuitive Design: The entire onboarding experience was reimagined with a user-centric approach. Intuitive design elements, such as clear and concise instructions, were integrated.

  3. Progressive Profiling: Instead of demanding all the information upfront, the new onboarding process adopted a progressive profiling approach. Users were prompted for essential information during initial registration, allowing them to swiftly access the platform. Subsequently, as users engaged with the app, the system prompted them to provide additional details at relevant moments.

  4. Clear Value Communication: The value proposition of the app was communicated succinctly during onboarding.


I slashed the onboarding process by 72% by reducing the data users had to enter to access the app features while maintaining the personalized experience it offered.

  1. Streamlined Onboarding: The onboarding process was significantly shortened, reducing user cognitive load and minimizing the number of initial required fields.

  2. Intuitive Design: The entire onboarding experience was reimagined with a user-centric approach. Intuitive design elements, such as clear and concise instructions, were integrated.

  3. Progressive Profiling: Instead of demanding all the information upfront, the new onboarding process adopted a progressive profiling approach. Users were prompted for essential information during initial registration, allowing them to swiftly access the platform. Subsequently, as users engaged with the app, the system prompted them to provide additional details at relevant moments.

  4. Clear Value Communication: The value proposition of the app was communicated succinctly during onboarding.