Implementation of MR in the banking sector for financial transaction

Implementation of MR in the banking sector for financial transaction

Job Project


I came up with this idea during my bachelor thesis research and I designed and programmed every AR and MR prototype. I also drafted the research papers and patent manuscripts with others.


 September 2020-November 2021


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Financial Technology, User Research, Digital electronics


Azam Anwar, Ms. Neha, Nikhil Bhatt… +5




  • How do you think we can access the ATM in a socially distanced way, especially during COVID-19?

  • How could normal Indians survive without safe access to cash?

The invention integrates AR/MR, IoT, and computer vision to minimize physical contact with ATMs, addressing installation costs and pandemic concerns. Utilizing MR technology, it offers virtual inputs, visual identification, and MR-guided assistance via an MR headset. This enhances traditional ATMs' functionality and efficiency, offering a cost-effective XR-based solution for banking. This innovation paves the way for improved user experiences and operational efficiency in the banking sector.




During my bachelor's thesis, I teamed up with Nikhil Bhatt to explore touchless interactions for ATMs using augmented reality (AR). Proficiency in Unity 3D and online resources aided my AR experience design. Encouraged by my professor, I considered patenting the idea. Our work evolved to mixed reality (MR), including electronics prototype development with expert input. I led AR/MR interface development, collaborating with Nikhil on patent drafting. Using my Android phone creatively for AR due to equipment constraints was challenging. Transitioning to MR enhanced user experience by bridging real and virtual worlds via headsets. Despite lacking a functional MR prototype, I embraced limitations as learning opportunities. This academic journey enriched my understanding of AR/MR in ATM interactions amidst practical challenges.

Innovative steps

  • Novelty in this invention is the use of AR/MR in financial transactions.

  • The MR dashboard design for keypads was also unique which helps trigger the virtual buttons without using any high-end mobile camera. This was essential to make it affordable in India.

  • The MR banking unit is also a novel transactional unit which is mentioned in the description and converts upgrade ATMs so that they can function with AR/MR


  • Accessibility: How to make it accessible for a blind person? This is one of the biggest hurdles I am facing with XR technologies. I am still working on solutions that involve gestures, sound, and wearable sensor technology.

  • Affordability: So the solution had to be economically viable to be able to implement in India. My potential solution was to work on upgrading current ATMs to be able to work with AR/MR and that would be cheaper than installing new ATMs. Another solution was to develop virtual buttons that can work even with a low-end mobile cameras.

  • Resources: Since AR/MR is pretty much a new topic in Indian Institutes, I had to rely on other sources to solve technical and. practical problems I faced during the development of my project

Patent details:

Patent name:  Implementation of Mixed Reality in Banking Sector for Financial Transaction

Application no. : 202211002426

Publication date:  21/01/2022

Previous Versions


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